Going on a trip, you should learn not only about the beauties and attractions of the place of choice, but also about possible the dangers that may lie in wait for you there. Like what you do you know otsunami in thailand?
In Southeast Asia, there is no safer crime country setting than thailand. But the danger of natural conditions she is in the lead. There you can meet and malaria mosquitoes, and venomous snakes. But all these hazards fade. before that lurks in the depths of the oceans – the Pacific and the Indian, waters which wash the coast of the country. Tsunami in Thailand is considered one of the most likely natural cataclysms. They are rare, but even once is enough for shudder at the mention of them for the rest of their lives. The film “Impossible” about the tsunami in Thailand makes a lasting impression on even the thickest skin. The reality was even worse.
Origin of the tsunami
Tsunamis are waves generated by underwater earthquakes, volcanic eruptions or high-power explosions. On a huge speeds they diverge concentric circles from the place natural disaster, almost invisible in open waters and great depth. However, when approaching shallow water, these waves begin to slow down and grow, supported by a mass of passing water. Their The height can reach several tens of meters. Water Mountain collapses on the shore and washes away everything that is on its way.
Are there any tsunamis in Thailand? All islands located east and south of the coast of this country – Japanese, Philippine, Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, New Guinea and Solomon – are the western branch of the so-called Pacific fire rings. These are volcanic faults with constant seismic activity, which is the root cause of the tsunami.
For their formation requires several conditions. Required a place for acceleration and a sharp drop in depths. They arise in places of the so-called wave focusing – narrow bays along the axis of movement of the front, or in the presence of islands of different size, which provoke the occurrence of wave resonance and become sources of secondary fluctuations.
In Thailand, these conditions are more consistent the western coast of the peninsula of Malacca (Andaman Sea). Therefore, the Quns on Phuket are the most likely. Siamese the bay is wide and shallow over a large distance, due to which seismic wave is extinguished.
Why is tsunami more dangerous than a storm?
Storm waves tens of meters in height are not such a rarity. on the ocean coasts. And they are also able to inflict significant damage, but only on a limited area. Unlike tsunami, the front of which can reach hundreds and thousands of kilometers – the farther from the epicenter, the more.
They differ in energy saturation. Storm wave generated by the wind, which captures only the surface layers. Therefore, the weight of the raised water is less than that which pushes in front of you tsunami coming from the bottom. In addition, the speed varies wave propagation. In the storm it is not more than 100 km / h, and seismic propulsion accelerates them to 1000 km / h. Therefore tsunami possess hundreds of times more kinetic energy, growing into potential when slowing down in shallow water and before obstacles.
With more energy, seismic waves are able to penetrate much further inland, and only objects can repay them of a similar mass – mountains, hills. Everything else is swept away like garbage from the table.
Hurricanes and storms are visible from space, they are easy to warn. A tsunami is similar to light ripples, it is almost imperceptible. Therefore her the blow is almost always unexpected.
How to escape from the tsunami
In most cases, a tsunami is generated by an earthquake, the epicenter is located below the ocean floor. His strength is over seven points on the Richter scale. It feels good. If you are in danger zone, you need to do the following:
- If you feel an earthquake, do not wait for a warning. Collect things, documents, do not lose your companions from view.
- Try to go as far as possible from the coast, and if this make it impossible, then find a high place, better than natural descent – a hill, a rock, a mountain, and climb it.
- If you are not geared, follow the notice indicating escape routes.
- Unusually strong ebb – a few hundred meters or even kilometers, is the main sign of the seismic approach the waves.
- The first tsunami wave is not the most powerful. Much more dangerous is the second and the third. Therefore, do not leave a safe place until water will not retreat completely. Usually it takes up to 10 hours
Thailand Tsunami 2004
Tsunami in Thailand 2004 year ago due to the vertical seismic shift of the plates of the subcontinents in The area of the so-called Yavan Trench is the west coast Sumatra Islands. The wave front moved in a wide arc from Banda Aceh to Jakarta in the direction of the island of Sri Lanka. The consequences The cataclysm caused the death of about 300 thousand people in 14 countries (tsunami came to India and Madagascar) along the shores of the Indian Ocean. The greatest number of dead tourists in Thailand accounted for the island Phuket, which took the hit of a wave reflected from the northwest tip of Sumatra, near the city of Banda Aceh (was erased from the face of the earth completely).
The causes of mass death from the 2004 tsunami Thailand
During tsatunami in Thailand in 2004 killed 8 thousand. 500 people. The main reason for the tragedy was that the authorities the islands did not appreciate the danger of the tsunami in Phuketi not took no action, even with clear signs of impending catastrophe.
- The time interval between subjectively tangible shocks and the arrival of the wave was two hours – from eight to ten in the morning. No alert and evacuation of people.
- No one knew anything. Even the aborigines went to collect fish and other marine life after the water has gone from the shore to several hundred meters. Tourists took a selfie until the last moment. These were the first tsunami victims in Thailand.
The film “Impossible” about the tsunami in Thailand
The film “Impossible” about the tsunami in Thailand through 8 years old. The basis of the plot – the misadventures of a young family, turned out to be the center of events. The drama of the director turned convincing. but we believe that the artistic value of the painting is higher than practical. She cannot teach anything. In the film was not the cause of the mass death of people is revealed, and only Power. Having received a warning from the seismic analysis center data, they did not take any measures to evacuate the population, although there was enough time for that. Perhaps they were hoping for “maybe” and were afraid once again to escalate the situation in the country.
The film “Impossible”, shot in Thailand leaves a feeling of hopelessness and powerlessness of man before the wrath of nature. After watching can it seems that it is better to sit at home. Subject lines who tell what could have been prevented tragedy, and also how to act correctly in such situations is not paid no attention.
Measures taken after the tragedy
The Thai authorities, albeit belatedly, took steps to warning of such tragedies in the future. In the Andaman Sea installed buoys recording high velocity water flows. Everything resorts and cities on the coast have a tsunami alert system, evacuation schemes and procedures for the authorities on its to provide. Everywhere there are notices in English and Thai for better targeting people.
Where is the safest
If you are afraid of a tsunami, this is not a reason to stay at home. You You can go to Thailand and choose resorts on the Siam coast. the gulf. Not only Mainland Pattaya and Hua Hin are completely safe, but also Koh Samui, Koh Phangan, Koh Tao and Koh Chang islands. They are located so that the seismic waves go out for many kilometers before them. Likelihoods in Pattaya is minimal, but there too worth losing vigilance.
But even on the most dangerous coast of the Andaman Sea – in Phang Nga, Krabi and Phuket Provinces, you can feel safe if you know what to do: not panic, do not yawn and climb as high as possible.