Rostock, Germany: the most detailed information about the city of Rostock, main attractions with photo and description, location on map.
City Rostock (Germany)
Rostock is a city in northeastern Germany, located in the mouth of the river Varnov on the Baltic Sea. It is the largest city of the federal state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and one of the most large German ports. Rostock is an ancient Hanseatic port, which is currently a major economic, cultural and educational center of northern Germany.
Located in the central part of the federal state Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania on the banks of the River Varnov, which flows into the Baltic Sea. Climate – temperate with significant maritime influence. About 600 mm of precipitation falls annually. Summer warm enough, although it happens some days cool. Winter is characterized by slight frosts. Annual average temperature is 8.4 degrees.
Panorama Rostock
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Practical information
- The population is just over 200,000 inhabitants.
- Area – 181 km2
- The language is German.
- Currency – Euro.
- Visa – Schengen.
- Time – Central European UTC +1, in summer +2.
- Rostock is divided into 31 districts, which are grouped into 21 urban area.
- Several cozy establishments can be found in the market area. square. Good local beer can be tasted at the Tiergartenallee 6
The first mention of the settlement dates back to 1161, although already from about the 7th century the Slavs lived here. German settlement on The opposite bank of the river Varnov was founded in 1189. Already in 1218, Rostock received city rights. In 1259, Lubeck, Hamburg, Wismar and Rostock founded the Hanseatic League – one of the most influential trade unions of Medieval Europe.
Rostock evening
In 1323, the village of Warnemünde came under the rule of Rostock. The city gets free access to the sea and the prefix Hanseatic to your name. The 14th – 15th centuries are a true flourishing of the city. In Rostock large stone buildings and magnificent sacral structures. In 1419 the University was founded here, which is one of the oldest in Europe. In the first half of the 16th century The church reformation is taking place.
In the 16th century, Rostock recognizes the power of the Dukes of Mecklenburg. 17th century turned out to be pitiable for the city. During the Thirty Years War Swedish and German troops caused him great damage. In 1677 a huge fire destroys much of the old city. Thereafter it loses its meaning.
Streets of Rostock
The revival of Rostock began in the second half of the 19th century with the foundation of a large shipbuilding company. During the second World War II, the city is under heavy bombardment allies who destroyed almost half of the historic center. May 1, 1945 Rostock occupied the Soviet troops. In times division of Germany, the city was the largest port of the GDR.
How to get there
Rostock has its own airport, which is located in 20 km to the south. Buses run from the airport to the city. Regular flights are from Cologne, Dusseldorf, Munich, Stuttgart, Zurich, resort cities of Turkey and Spain. In addition, you can use Hamburg Airport which offers more number of shipments. From Hamburg to Rostock you can get to train ride. There is also a regular train service from Leipzig and Berlin.
Old city Rostock
Rostock has excellent car accessibility. From the side Hamburg needs to take the A14 motorway to Lübeck, then A20 motorway to Rostock. From Berlin A24 highway to Hamburg and beyond get off at A19.
The most popular attractions of Rostock.
Rostock is a city with a rich history. Despite the destruction of the second world war he kept some interesting sights of the Hanseatic period.
Sacred architecture
Church of sv. Mary’s
Church of sv. Mary is one of the most important and oldest sacred structures of Rostock. The church was founded in the 13th century. it the majestic gothic structure has the shape of a cross, rich interior and astronomical clocks. Church of sv. Mary, certainly one of the most beautiful churches of rostok and Northern Germany.
Church of sv. Nikolay
Church of sv. Nicholas – an old Gothic brick church, located in the old town. It is one of the oldest religious structures of Rostock and the Baltic coast. Church was built in 1230. The mighty brick tower was built in the 15th century. Church of sv. Nicholas is Lutheran.
Church of sv. Petra
Church of sv. Petra – brick gothic church with high 117-meter tower. It was founded in the middle of the 13th century. Church of sv. Peter is the highest religious building of the old Rostock and one of the symbols of the city. Her high spire for a long time was a guide for sailors.
Church in Warnemünde
Church of Warnemünde – the main sacral building port Warnemünde A brick neo-gothic church was built at the end 19th century.
Saint Abbey Cross
The Abbey of the Holy Cross is an ancient Cistercian abbey, monastery and church. Currently there is a museum culture and history of the Hanseatic city of Rostock.
Even in the old town you can see the old Franciscan Monastery, founded in the 13th century. Ancient abbey buildings diluted with modern buildings.
Heritage of the Hanseatic Period
Krepelynskie goal
Kröpelin Gate – the most beautiful medieval gate Rostock Mentioned since the 13th century. Here begins the main shopping street of the city, leading to a new market. Are the most west of the four main city gates. Currently their height is 54 meters. Neo-gothic view of the krepelin gate received in the 19th century.
Medieval Sprout had more than 20 city gates.
Stone goal
The stone gates were built in the style of the Dutch Renaissance. in the middle of the 16th century on the foundations of the old gothic gate. Were The main entrance to the city is from the south. The outside is very simple, while the interior is decorated with the symbols of the city.
Nearby (on the left in the photo) is a beautiful neo-gothic 19th century building, which now houses the court.
Town hall
Town Hall – a historic building, founded in 1270. Building combines several architectural styles. Baroque facade Town Hall received in the 18th century.
City walls
Once Rostock was surrounded by city walls. Until our time preserved area of about 1 km. A large section of the original urban fortifications preserved to the south-west of the Krepeli gateway
Old gothic house
On Wokrenterstraße, 40 is located the original old Hanseatic medieval house in the Gothic style.
Interesting places
Old channel
The old canal is a great place for walks, as well as a place mooring of vessels. There are many cafes and pubs.
University square
University Square – a triangular area on the main Rostock shopping street with fountain and sculptures. Main building University, whose facade goes on it, was built in 1870 year And the school itself was founded in 1419 and is one of the oldest in the world.
Lighthouse – a 30-meter navigation facility in Warnemunde, built in the late 19th century.
Maps and guides
City Map with Landmarks