Castle Zhleby – a detailed description of the photo, mode of operation, the location of the Zhleby castle on the map.
Castle леleby (Czech Republic)
Zhleby is a romantic late gothic castle in the Czech Republic. Interesting, that despite the brutal appearance of the medieval knight’s fortress, This castle in its present form was built in the 19th century in the style historical authenticity. Its owner, inspired by the traditions and the atmosphere of the Middle Ages, thus decided to rebuild its housing and often sported the castle in knightly robes.
The first mention of the castle Zhleby refer to the end of the 13th century. The builders of the castle were nobles of the kind Lichtenburg. In the 14th century, Zhleba was Acquired by King Charles IV, who gave the castle to the nobles and knights. During the Hussite Wars, the castle surrendered to the Hussites and was looted
Operation mode
Tuesday – Sunday from 9.00 to 16.00
All the most interesting and large castles of the country in the article – castles Czech Republic.