Pros and cons of living in Thailand

Thailand is truly a wonderful country, enchanting guests have a great summer almost all year round and friendly, affably smiling population. Incredible nature and recreation conditions make tourists return to this country on every vacation, and some even think about pros and cons of Thailand.

To help decide on the question “is life worth Thaimen’s usual regime of uncertainty? ” it is necessary to evaluate the positive and negative aspects of this solutions. If for you the benefits of living in Thailand outweigh the cons, Feel free to start preparing for wintering in Thailand!

The advantages of living in Thailand

The main, in my opinion, advantages of rest and life in Thailand:

  1. Constant summer with temperatures not lower than 20 ° C, which is impossible find in Spain or financially more acceptable Bulgaria.
  2. The rainy season in Thailand is a big hindrance.
  3. Excellent ecology, supplemented with clean air.
  4. You need less finance because renting a house in Thailand food is inexpensive. Fruit and Seafood can be consumed throughout the year. Clothes in the country is also cheap, especially given the lack of need for winter things.
  5. The issue of obtaining a Thai visa and residence permit in Thailand for the Russians is not so difficult, and it does not create special barriers in comparison with other countries.
  6. A kind and friendly local population, ready to give everyone smiles (Why are Thais so often smiling?). About the best neighbors and dream not worth it. Material on this topic: “How do Thais treat foreigners?”

Pros and cons of life in Thailand

Cons of life in Thailand

The main, in my opinion, cons of rest and life in Thailand:

  1. Still, it is a foreign country, and relatives and friends are long away.
  2. There is a need to resolve issues of obtaining a visa, its extension (extension of the Hua Hineiv Samui visa) to obtaining a residence permit.
  3. It’s almost impossible to become a Thai national (the most important minus). Even the presence of Thai wife and joint children. How much would you live in a country without leaving her, to solve the issue of obtaining citizenship will extremely difficult. To get this country’s passport you need perfect to speak Thai and have a very solid account in thai bank. Plus, it should be without a break in the Thailand for several years (meaning going to for a long time). In fact, you will remain in a foreign country without special rights and opportunities to ever become the owner of your own plot of land.
  4. Complete misunderstanding of spoken and written Thai, which creates communication difficulties and the ability to solve problems arising in the process of living in the country. Ignorance of English language in general can be an insurmountable obstacle (in Thailand independently without knowledge of English).
  5. Absence or high cost of products familiar from childhood, and the possible rejection of the body of Thai cuisine.
  6. Excessive heat in summer (how not to burn in the sun Thailand).
  7. The presence of a large list of posts that are officially foreigners are prohibited, making it difficult to find a job.

Still want to move to Thailand? Weigh once again all the pros and cons and follow along to your dream

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