
Presov (Slovakia) – the most detailed information about the city with photos. The main attractions of Presov with a description, guides and cards.

City Presov (Slovakia)

Prešov is a city in eastern Slovakia, which is the third in country by population. This is a real gem among royal slovakian cities that contains hundreds of historical and cultural monuments. Presov has a rich history dating back deep into the middle ages. The city flourished in the 16th and 17th centuries in mining. opal, salt and lace making, competing for dominance over Eastern Slovakia with Kosice and Bardejov. The past left Presov magnificent heritage in the form of a gothic cathedral, remarkable ancient architecture and one of the most important industrial monuments on the Slovak land – Solivara.

  1. Geography and climate
  2. Practical information
  3. Story
  4. sights
  5. Video
  6. Maps and guides
  7. Comments and reviews

Geography and climate

Presov is located in the northeastern part of Slovakia at the foot of Slanske Vrkhi and Shariska Vrhovina mountains. The city is in place confluence of the river Toris and its tributary Sekchov in 34 km south of Kosice. Bratislava is 410 km away. Presov has temperate continental climate with cool summers and relatively cold winters with small but negative averages temperatures.

An interesting geographical feature of Prešov – here passes 49th parallel.

Panorama of the city Panorama of the city

Practical information

  1. The population is about 90 thousand people.
  2. The area is 80.40 km2.
  3. The language is Slovak.
  4. Currency – Euro.
  5. Visa – Schengen.
  6. Time – Central European (UTC +1, summer +2).
  7. The Old Town of Presov contains 254 historical monuments, architecture and culture.


In the period of the existence of Great Moravia (9-10 century) in place the city there was a Slavic settlement, which was then Included in the Kingdom of Hungary. In the 11th and 12th centuries next door Magyars and Saxon settlers began to settle with the Slavs. It is believed that the latter and founded the modern city. First written references to Presov date back to 1247. Already in 1299 year settlement received city status and in fact became the center historical region Sharish. In 1370, Presov became free royal city.

Architecture Presov Architecture Presov

In 1441 the medieval city was burned down by the Poles. In the 16th century Presov becomes one of the centers of the Hungarian Reformation and suffers from several uprisings. In 1604, Presov was taken by the Hungarians in during the anti-Habsburg uprising. In the 17th century, the city flourished thanks to trade, as well as the extraction of salt and opal. In the 19th century, Presov growing rapidly and developing thanks to industrialization. The industrial development of the city continued in the 20th century. In 1919 Presov for a short time becomes the capital of the Slovak Soviet Republic.


Presov has a beautiful old town with a magnificent historical the atmosphere. It is very compact and, for the most part, pedestrian The historic center has ancient architecture and is full burgher houses in the late Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque style. Almost all sights are concentrated along Main Street, which is the heart of the old city. True, most homes on it are objects of reconstruction after the strongest fire in 1887

St. Nicholas Cathedral Cathedral of sv. Nikolay

Cathedral of sv. Nicholas – an impressive medieval church, which is a fusion of high gothic and baroque architecture. Construction of the cathedral was begun in the middle of the 14th century, and completed only in 1515. The building received baroque architecture features. the process of several restorations after the fires in 1711 and 1788. Inside the cathedral contains many decorations, among which stands out a beautiful altar of the 17th century and several ancient sculptures.

Church of St. John the Baptist Church of sv. John the baptist

Church of sv. John the Baptist – Baroque church, which belongs to the greek catholic community. Religious building on This place was built in the 14th century. Early 17th century church It was acquired by the Order of Minarites and rebuilt in the 18th century baroque style.

Mariana Column (Immakulata) Marianska column (Immaculate)

Mariana Column (Immakulata) – magnificent baroque sandstone sculpture erected by Jesuits in 18 century in honor of the deliverance of Prešov from the plague that hit the city in 1679 and 1710 years.

Synagogue Synagogue

The synagogue in Prešov was built at the end of the 19th century and is considered one of the best Jewish monuments on the territory of Slovakia. it religious building is located on a quiet street in the historic center and has a restrained neoclassical design with Moorish motives.

Cathedral of St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral of sv. Alexander Nevsky

Cathedral of sv. Alexander Nevsky – Orthodox Church, built in the middle of the 20th century.

Kalwaria Calwaria

Kalwaria is a religious complex built by Jesuits at 18 century. Located on a hill to the west of Presov.

Fountain of Neptune Neptune Fountain

Neptune’s Fountain – the oldest of the Presov’s Fountains (dated 1789 year). Located in a small park on Main Street with beautiful view of the cathedral of sv. Nicholas.

Karaff prison Caraffa jail

Caraffa Prison is a 15th century medieval building not far from Main street. In 1687, the Italian General Caraffa locked here some local nobles, 24 of them were executed.

Statue of St. Rochus Statue of sv. Rochus

Statue of sv. Rochus is a sandstone sculpture, established by the Franciscans. Unfortunately, in 1993 the original the sculpture was replaced by a modern copy.

Sleep Sleep

40 km to the west of Prešov is Spissky fortress. it stunning castle of the 12th century, which is considered one of the biggest medieval fortifications in Europe by area. The fortress is listed as a World Heritage Site. UNESCO.


Presov on the map of Slovakia

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