Bangla Road – debauchery street in Phuket

The province and island of Phuket in Thailand is five hundred thousand square kilometers where a person is mainly engaged in three types activities: rubber production, nature conservation and Tourism. This area is known to be soft and moist tropical climate, friendliness and friendliness towards Any guests, and most importantly – the best beaches. Most popular tourists enjoy Patong Beach Phuket.K Bangla Road on the which in each corner is a shop, bar or other entertaining institution.

General view

Bangla Road (in English. Bangla Road) – this is one of the main streets of Patong, is his business card and soul, especially colorful in the dark days. At six in the evening the traffic on this street overlap. Until the morning Bangla Road along with nearby lanes belong exclusively to tourists merchants and artists of all ages, nationalities and types, and also Phuket prostitutes and Thai trances.

Bangla Road is somewhat reminiscent of the beach road iWalkin Street in Pattaya that stretches along the beach Pattaya Beach.

Bangla Road on Phuket

Right side of the street

The right side of Bangla Road in Phuket is reserved for various restaurants, sports bars, cafes and clubs. Here you can try more or less exotic cuisine in large quantity includes fresh local seafood, relax with family or friends, or watch the match broadcast on big screen, with beer, in the company of the same fans.

bangla-roud-na-phukete-3Bangla Road on Phuket

Live music bars are a separate category of local entertainment. Their frequent guests are groups from the Philippines. Songs that sound in such clubs, easily recognizable – these are world hits, among which can be heard as incendiary disco melodies, and Viktor Tsoi. Such bars work at Bangla Road to deep nights or until dawn.

Bangla Road on Phuket

Left side of the street

The left side of Bangla Road– territory strip clubs and entertainment “for adults”. Attractive Thai girls seek to lure guests from the street, and the bar staff tries to please visitors by any means. Here you can see dancers at poles mounted directly on racks and visit institutions with original design and girls dressed in fantasy costumes.

Bangla Road on Phuket

Speaking without clothes is prohibited in Thailand, but outside Bangla Road is often ignored as a rule. to attract men who have flown to Thailand for sex tourism. most of the institutions admission is free, but the purchase of alcohol drinks – a necessary condition for visiting, and their cost varies at times.

Bangla Road on Phuket

From the trances you are not here hide

For comparison: in some music bars, Thai beer costs about 80 baht (a little less than 3 dollars), and in go-go bars prices for drinks start at 300 baht. Russians on Bangla Road especially well it turns out to stand out from the whole crowd of tourists because of their special behavior. How do Russian tourists behave in Thailand, we passed by

Menu on the sex show in the go-go bar

Menu on the sex show in the go-go bar

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Bangla Road in Phuket Bangla Road on Phuket

(Calculate route) Bangla Road on Phuket 7.893437, 98.297060 Bangla Road on Phuket (Calculate route)

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