Hello everyone! As you understand, this article will focus on Thai tranz. Or rather, how to distinguish them from the Thai. In thailand There are also other names for them – these are ekkatoi (or next youbi). According to the official version in the Kingdom there are more than 10,000 transsexuals, and according to unofficial – more than 200,000. In general, about sex entertainment in Thailand, you can read in the material “Features of sex tourism in Thailand.”
Tip! Before you start reading this material, we recommend first to focus on the first part narration – “The history and causes of transsexuals and their position in society. ”
And so, how to identify trance in Thailand?
In rare cases, Thailand’s tranposes appearance look much prettier than taek. Yes Yes! Find fault happens to be nothing, they make themselves expensive plastic operations, take hormones and take over the model behavior girls.
To date, medicine in Thailand has reached unprecedented heights! Read more about it in article “Plastic operations in Thailand”.
The transformation of the Thai in a beautiful “Thai”
To not accidentally bring a secret room to your room and not be terrified from what you see after undressing her, here are 15 simple tips for you, who checked on their own experience:
- Identity. If in doubt who is worth in front of you, ask her / him for identification. As a rule, In Thailand, trance is credited with the third floor if it says – นางสาว, then you are secretly in front of you, if та, then it’s Taek, and if กะเทย, then before you the same Katya!
- Breast. Ask a girl to feel her chest under some pretext. Most often they agree it is transsexuals. As soon as you touch the tits, then immediately understand whether they are natural or not (silicone breasts are harder). Although the other side of you may just be girl with silicone breasts.
- Genitals. If you have a lot of arrogance, you can get to the genitals But if you don’t gropes for a similar dick, it still does not mean that in front of a thai girl! It is possible that his just deleted. In the Internet you can watch video operations on transformation of the penis into a vagina, it looks ugly, but enough interesting.
- Thong Thai are more modest than Thais, so they are most often wear regular panties, and Thai trances wear thongs.
- Reaction to the question: “Are you a trance?” Most immediately recognized, the rest will argue otherwise. Same from this questions may just be offended.
- Attractiveness. Part katoev after surgery get so scary that you want to run away from them! But the other one is so beautiful that you can feel it when you see it. warm between your legs. Remember if you see very beautiful Thai, most likely before you trance, as Taikiv most cases are not very attractive!
- Growth. Thai most often head down from the Thais, not I think that doctors have learned to cut the legs.
- Hands.Pay attention to the hands, in men As a rule, they are larger than in women, trances are no exception.
- Voice. The operation on the vocal cords is very complicated. and ineffective, so not everyone decides on it, therefore, almost all trans women voices are unnatural as women.
- Hairiness. It is not enough that hormonal drugs reduce the density of body hair, so they also periodically depilated, then on this item not easy to guess who is who.
- Shoulders. Thais have wider pelvic shoulders; vice versa.
- Kadyk.Operation on sex change occurs in stages for several months or even years. Therefore, if notice a adder in a girl, so this is a trance; managed to remove it.
- Strength. Do trances in Thailand after changing sex, male The power is almost not lost anywhere. So, for example, one cut on my eyes with ease shouldered 70-kilogram guy ipones in bed, but not caring people saved him, so the insidious plan failed!
- Impudence. If a Thai begins to pester you, feel for everything, take to a quiet place and offer “boom boom” (so there is called sex), then in all likelihood in front of you kata, so as the Thai are usually more modest than the Thais.
- Face shape. Thais have it elongated, taq more rounded. Although lately surgeons have learned this transform.
Typical Thai transsexual
I hope, now you can easily distinguish the trance in Thailand and will not bring to your room a girl who has undressing will be “device” more than that I also recommend reading the material that tells interesting facts. Good luck!