Singapore Customs Rules – What to Import and take out

Upon arrival in Singapore, as usual, we go through customs control. As in any country, Singapore has its own import bans. products. But this is Asia, we may not understand much, so with rules better read in advance.

In 2019, some customs regulations were changed, as well as The structure of the customs site has been changed significantly. Changed lists of controlled and prohibited goods. On many Russian-language sites have outdated information, please keep in view of.

The content of the article

  • 1 Import of goods to Singapore
    • 1.1 Import of alcohol
    • 1.2 Import of tobacco products
    • 1.3 Import pets
    • 1.4 Goods for which there must be an import permit
    • 1.5 Items strictly prohibited for importation into Singapore
  • 2 Export of products

Import of goods to Singapore

Import of alcohol

What it is worth knowing when passing through customs:

Tourists are allowed duty-free import of alcohol up to 2 liters per one of the combinations:

  • 1 liter of spirits, 1 liter of wine or 1 liter of beer
  • 2 liters of wine
  • 2 liters of beer
  • 1 liter of wine and 1 liter of beer

You can take it, but you must be over 18 and should not come from malaysia (if you fly from malaysia, then any the amount of alcohol is subject to declaration). And you should absent from Singapore for at least 48 hours (i.e. it’s not allowed to fly Singapore for tobacco, alcohol in another country and return back).

If you carry alcohol in a volume of more than two liters, but not more 10 liters (importing more than 10 liters will require customs permission), then all drinks are subject to declaration and taxed duty.

Import of tobacco products

They do not like smokers in Singapore. Any amount of tobacco products are subject to declaration and taxed. Import for personal use not more than 0.4 kg is allowed. Border guard An open pack may be overlooked, but this is more the exception rules and try not worth it – a fine for each pack of 200 SGD.

To avoid problems at the border, you need to declare transportation tobacco and pay tobacco tax.

Attention! Chewing tobacco and e-cigarettes in Singapore are forbidden!

Import pets

Pets are imported only in the presence of veterinary certificate of international standard. The certificate must be issued no later than 30 days before crossing the border. Also you must be in possession of the permit of the Singapore Veterinary Office, received at least two weeks before crossing the border.

All cats and dogs imported from any country must have a certificate of rabies vaccination. Animals without reference are vaccinated at the Singapore Veterinary Station SAQS and placed in quarantine for 30 days. An exception is made for those coming from Australia, Ireland, New Zealand and the UK – from them Help is not required.

Please be careful and check in advance if you have any. with any of the lists below.

Goods for which there must be an import permit

– Plants and animals. – Fruits, vegetables, rice, milk, fish, meat and meat products of animals and birds. – Bulletproof clothing. – Any type of weapon (including props and knives). – Handcuffs and batons. – Equipment for video or radio (including walkie-talkies – Medical and pharmaceutical goods (for importing prescription drugs for personal use, you must have a doctor’s prescription with you). – Discs with computer games or movies.

All controlled goods are best checked through a special form on the customs website. Since the list on the site was originally incomplete.

Previously, the full list of weapons was on the customs website, but now they offer to check everything on the police website.

To be declared: tobacco products for personal use. use but not more than 0.4 kg; alcohol more than 2 liters but not more than 10 liters; new products for personal use or as a gift which cost is above SGD 600.

Import only with permission Import only with permission

Import only with permission

If you have in stock: alcohol, tobacco, animals or goods on which you need to have permission, then you need to go to Red Corridor. Doubt which corridor you should go to, Red or Green, and whether you need to declare something – do not be shy, contact an officer BEFORE customs control, he will tell.

Items strictly prohibited for entry into Singapore

– Chewing gum. – Chewing tobacco, tobacco for hookahs and e-Sigs. – Nicotine for topical use (for example, patches). – Drugs and psychotropic drugs (May be planted in prison or worse – the death penalty. Yes, in Singapore there is such punishment. – Medicinal products in commercial quantities. – Counterfeit goods (for example, CDs). – Toy coins and banknotes. (they used to be on the list, but now they have disappeared. It’s better to clarify either to be safe and not imported) – Pornographic literature and video (magazines, discs, video recordings). – Animals and plants, listed in the Red Book and products from them (for example, products from Ivory). – Copies of publications and video recordings that violate copyright – Any material seditious, anti-government content. – Firecrackers and fireworks, lighters in the form of weapons.

Import is prohibited Import is prohibited

Import is prohibited

Anything that is forbidden to be transported is better not to even try to bring in the territory of the state – here it is considered criminal a crime.

In Singapore, unknowingly, it is easy enough to break the rules and get a penalty (at best). Read in advance about the prohibitions and fines in singapore.

Product export

From Singapore it is allowed to take out the goods from the list below (in reasonable amounts) subject to their acquisition for personal of use.

– Alcohol and tobacco products. – Jewelry. – Books and photo / video materials. – Gadgets and photo and video equipment. – Souvenirs. – Food.

Take out weapons (including souvenirs), antiques and medication is not worth it.

There are no special prohibitions on the transportation of products, if not count chewing gum. Everything else is typical for most countries, the only difference is that in Singapore border guards work more attentively.

With all the rules and dimensions listed in this article. customs fees can be found on the official website Singapore customs

On the customs website there is a reminder to the tourist in a convenient for printing. format. But do not forget that the list does not contain the entire list. goods.

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